Saturday, August 25, 2012

DIY One Direction Headband

What You'll Need:
One Direction Collage
Blank Headband
Fabric Glue
Packaging Tape

1. Cut out a strip from the collage

 2. Cover both sides with packaging tape

3. Cover the headband with glue.

4. Stick on picture strip.

My finished project:


How To: One Direction Upcycled T-Shirt Bag

This DIY is an upcycled t-shirt made into a cute bag!

What You'll Need:
Fabric Paint
 (mine was an old football camp shirt of my brothers with words on one side)
1D stencil
Paper Plate

1.  Cut out your One Direction stencil.

2. Pour paint on the plate.

3. Put your stencil on the shirt and start painting over it.

4.  Cut off the sleeves and the neck off the shirt like this.

5.  Start cutting the bottom into strips.

 6.  Tie the strips into knots.  The one behind it are the ones you tie together.

7.  If there are any words on the back of your shirt, cover them with paint.  You may need more than one coat of paint.

My finished project:

 I need more paint on this one because you can almost see the words:

~Sam! :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

How to make: One Direction Collage

Hey Directioners!  This craft is inspiration from youtube!  A girl made a One Direction Collage and I asked her if I could put it on my blog!  I forgot her user name but I will try to post it later!  This video is mine, though!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Want One?

Want one?  All you have to do is comment on and say you really like their ideas.  Then, come back here and comment below on what your favorite craft was of theirs and 2 lucky winners will receive one of these personalized with their name!  Don't lie because I will be checking!

Friday, August 17, 2012

2-in-1 Craft!!!!!

Hey Directioners!  I'm super excited today for this 2-in-1 craft!!!  Today I'm going to be making a One Direction Magazine Holder with the One Direction Stickers!

What You Need:
A Cereal Box
Construction Paper or Wrapping Paper
Wax Paper
Clear Packaging Tape
One Direction Pictures (from the internet or magazine cut-outs)
Paper Plate
Paint Brush or Sponge (I actually recommend using tape because the wrapping paper gets all wrinkly and gets ridges with glue and a paintbrush or sponge.)

1. Cut out the box to make it look like a magazine holder.  You can also follow the instructions here:
2. Cut out the portion of wrapping paper for one side of the box.  A big roll like mine fit both sides as long as I cut it straight down the middle.
 3. Cover the whole entire box.  It's okay if you make a mistake because of the stickers.
 4. Make your stickers.  Place the pictures on the wax paper.  Place the packaging tape over the picture and the paper.  Cut the pictures out making sure there is a wax paper border and tape border.

 These are some of the stickers that I used:

My finished project:
Do you like it? Leave a comment!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

How To Make: One Direction Stickers!

How To Make One Direction Stickers!

What you need:
Wax Paper
Pictures (Printed out or out of a magazine)
Clear Packaging Tape
 1. Lay all of the pictures you want to be stickers on the wax paper.

2. Put your clear packaging tape over them.  You may need more than one strip depending on how big the pictures are.
 3. Cut out the pictures but be sure to leave a wax paper border around the tape so you can peel it off.
 4. Peel the wax paper off the back of the sticker and stick any where!

Sorry about the bad quality of the camera, I was using my webcam! :)

News for Directioners!

Hey Directioners!!!!!

First of all I want to say thanks for all the views!!!!  In about half a month I have gotten over 350 of them!!! Thanks Y'all!

Second, if your going to post anything on youtube, pinterest, or any other place, please give me credit!!!  I've had people make videos for the bottle caps but instead say it's their idea.  I made this site so people would see this stuff and make it but I didn't want anyone to steal my ideas!  If I find a video on it with any of my pictures and creations and no credit to me I WILL flag it!  I don't mean to be rude but I don't want any of my ideas stolen!  Thanks for understanding!

Third, if you have any requests for crafts or projects please let me know!  I had about 350 views and not one, single comment! :(  Please comment!!!

Thanks for everything!

Friday, August 10, 2012

One Direction Magazine or Book Holder

Link for box cut out:
Keep this in your locker for a good notebook or folder holder!
Thanks for watching!